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Malostranské Náměstí
Malostranské Náměstí
Praha 1


As with any machinery, elevators also suffer deterioration over the years, having to operate in any kind of use, as well as under the effect of atmospheric agents and wear.

The reliability, performance, safety, comfort, aesthetics, care for the environment and waiting time are factors which become more important with time and which require the user to analyse them to decide whether to replace the whole device.

The use of new technologies and advanced building methods give Mylift the possibility to replace any device with another with the same or superior carachteristics, without penalising the economy.

Mylift is able to carry out the activities connected to the elevators supply, activity usually performed by us, resulting in an easier management by the final customer, who may need to replace the elevator only once. Here follows a brief description.

Building permits – to be able to carry out any work in a structure used by people it is necessary to perform tests and calculations which must be presented to the competent authorities and only after their approval it is possible to proceed with the successive phases.

Modernisation of metalic structures – In case there is a metalic structure such as the enclosure of the shaft, this must be appropriate to the new normatives, which require a hight of at least 2.5 meters. Obviously, Mylift is able to build the necessary structure parts, following also the pattern of the existing one.

Assembly of a new elevator – The disassembly, reassembly and final assembly tests are the most important phases. The device is obviously designed and built following the carachteristics required by the customer, in function of the existing shaft, the type of usage and the current normatives.

This phase lasts between 3 to 5 weeks, in function of the type of elevator and related amount of work.

Building works – This phase is closely connected to the disassembly and assembly of the elevator, to the demolition of parts of the nearby wall, to the floor doors and to the successive laying of the wall and floor, the painting of the involved walls, other that the adaptation of the pit, the machine room and the lighting and electrical supply circuits, fundamental as imposed by current normatives. The disposal of trash in appropriate bins and the accurate cleaning at the end of the assembly complete all the work phases.

Testing – Once finished the assembly and concluded the work phases, it is necessary to carry out the inspection visit from the entities responsible for the testing of elevators and the building authority (if necessary); only after the ok from these entities can the replacement of Your elevator be considered finished.