You can contact us to these coordinates:
Assitence for extrication
Mobile: +420 724 536 723
Assitence for repairs
Tel. +420 220 570 696
Fax. +420 220 513 489
MYLIFT s.r.o.
Head office: Čelakovského sady 1580/4, 110 00 PRAHA 1
Headquarters: Ovenecká 315/32, 17000 PRAHA 7 ( CZ )
Tel: +420 220 570 696,
fax: +420 220 513 489,
IČO: 27431070,
DIČ: CZ27431070
Società registrata presso cam. di com. Praga, sezione C, cartella 112218
or you can fill in the form: